Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Marketing Design And Innovation Ipod Marketing Strategy

TABLE OF CONTENTS LISTS OF CONTENTS PAGE NO. TASK 02 2 Reflective Essay: Learning and assessment of the module 2 References 5 Title: Marketing Design and Innovation: iPod Marketing Strategy TASK 02 (Re-sit Submission for Partial Fulfillment) Reflective Essay: Learning and assessment of the module An organizations general design and it power of innovation determines the competitive advantage in the local as well as international level (Johansson and Holm, 2006). If a firm can respond immediately to the change then it can get expected benefits. Before adopting any change in the system, it is essential to know its appropriateness in the organizational context. The nature of†¦show more content†¦It is also true that all bodies of the business entity strive to facilitate consumers directly or indirectly. So, while developing and designing system, it is essential to know the needs and expectations of the consumer. Research department must know the pulse from the consumer about satisfaction, dissatisfaction and expectation from the company. It is also essential to know about actual service enjoyed by the customer of the rivals. Depending on that management will identify the required changes in the system. Another important aspect is time consideration. Any change should tar get long term rather than short term consideration. The design and innovation are not the same of product and services providing organization. This is a good lesson for this module and it is will shown from theoretical and applied aspects form different organizations. Some features of business innovations are discussed with their relative importance. Flexibility, cost effectiveness, moving from product to business, innovation in risk management, innovation in different economies, different customers, techniques of using data in the innovation process are important dimensions. One cannot get immediate benefit from innovation. So, it one sorts of investment and will facilitate business process in the later period. Both idea creating and its management are important. An idea creates values and if it duplicated then firm may lose competitive advantages. This module has incorporatedShow MoreRelatedThoughts on Apples Marketing Strategy1220 Words   |  5 PagesThoughts on Apple’s Marketing Strategy Shady Azzam January 12, 2013 Marketing has long been the subject of exhaustive research in the business world. Over the years valuable insights have contributed to and helped shape its definition. Many have proposed the constituents of marketing, leading to the development of the marketing mix (Kotler et al., 2012). Although the ingredients have been well explained and widely agreed upon, a key element of its definition remains elusive to even the mostRead MoreApple Computer, Inc.1620 Words   |  7 Pagesaccomplishments in pioneering products, marketing, and services. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Border Control How The U.s. Controls And Prevents...

Vladimir Middleton Mr.Yeater English 100 21 October 2015 Border Control In the article Border Patrol Overview it talks about how the U.S. controls and prevents illegal immigrants (aliens) entering the country without permission, if they do enter the country without permission then there would be consequences. Border Control is one thing that every country struggles with, especially United States. The whole purpose of having a border control is to help prevent terrorism. It is also prevention from having illegal immigrants (aliens) entering the country without a green card or citizenship. If we let everyone in our country, it would get over populated and there would be a lot of illegal contraband. The United States has borders between†¦show more content†¦This bill will help protect the American people. This bill will make our borders more secure.† By him signing that, it created more resources, fortified defenses, and more fence to build along the U.S border. A big issue predominantly with the border of Mexico and the U.S is drug traffic into our country. The drug cartel is a serious problem that needs to be put at rest because they threaten the safety of our country. Every day millions of drugs are passed through unknowingly by the Cartel and we are slowly cracking down on them. They only way we can do that, are to further support border control. â€Å"Though the drug war receives minimal attention north of the border, some authorities say it increasingly threatens the stability of the Mexican state and poses a security threat to the United States.† Ever since Mexico has took action against the cartel, violence has grown and has caused us to worry. The biggest problem we have especially recently, is the terrorist threat immigrants pose to the U.S. Enforcing border control minimizes the terrorist threat, but with everything going on right now, more and more refugees are accepted into our borders with the possibility of being a terrorist. Ever since 9/11 happened, security was greatly maximized to protect our country from another terrorist threat, but now we are dealing with ISIS. â€Å"A grim online warning from a self-described American jihadist

Social Media Research Organization Web Application Project Samples

Questions: Prepare Project Charter and Communication Plan. Answers: Project Charter Date: 3rd May, 2017 Project Title: Social Media Research Organization Web Application Project Project Start Date: 1st April, 2017 Project End Date: 30th November, 2017 Budget Information: Estimated to be AUD 50000.00 Project Manager: Bruce keller , bruce.keller@***mail.com, +41-XXXX-XXXX Project Objectives To meet the need of the web application in a new social media research organization being established is the project objective. The need for establishment of such an organization was felt due to the creasing of the operation of a similar organization operated in the area. The project emphasises on the need for development of web application for the organization which will ease the work processes enhancing the profit and productivity. In accordance to the demand a high level scope has been framed that would deal with the modification and establishment of the system. The web application development would be focused on along with the integration of the processes into Information system. This would make all the processes aligned with the system and could be tracked anytime from anywhere. In addition, the members of the system would be provided intranet member ID helping the employees in accessing the required information. The key deliverable identified in the project is the development of web application for the organization to update their integrated database with the research data, journals and other publication (Marchewka, 2014). This has been assumed to be helping the Master and PhD students working on their research project. The project is thought to benefit the organization in away by enhancing the work process efficiency and taking the organization to a more prominent and established position in the market. Another benefit that the project would serve is helping the Master and Doctoral students with their research work in the trending field of information technology. The project deals alone with the development of the application and would not look into the requirements of the change management. Along with that the risks have not been covered under the project. MOV - Measurable Organisational Value The present project has been thought to deliver the calculated efficiency and if the devised web application provides such an advantage then it would surely make the organization grow in terms of productivity (Mir Pinnington, 2014). The project is expected to be delivered in the estimated time of 8 months in a assumed expenditure of AUD 50000.00 Ranking: 1. Operational 2. Financial 3. Strategy 4. Customer 5. Social Better - The work process ease and efficiency is the prime necessity for the development of the project which would help in accessing any kind of research data present in the database of the Social Media Research Centre by registering with the provided member ID. Faster Yes the need for enhancing the efficiency of the work flow was identified and the organization for progress has to develop their work process making it faster and efficient. The registered students could be assisted with more proficiency and could be helped more easily. Cheaper The project may incur some one-time cost but would be well profitable in the long run as it would make the operation process faster and much reliable. Do more The authorities in the organization are looking into the deployment of web application so that the organization could expect the good flow of the operation and growth of the organization. In accordance to the project assumed the appropriate metric system has been drawn for the related project operations: The operations with the integrated application to the database would enhance the workflow. Cost benefit analysis will be conducted so as to analysis the cost and its related flow after the installation and implementation of the web application The Net present value assessed in the process would help in the calculation of the internal rate of return or the IRR (Verzuh, 2015). Efficient and effective work process at the Social media Research organization. The project will elevate the organizations reputation in the market. Acceptance Criteria In the development of the project two important criteria has been identified which are Cost and Time The prime deliverable will be the web application which will help the entire system including the members and the students engaged in the process. The project developed and implement within due date. Efficiency and proficiency that the system would imply. Assumptions and Constraints Assumption- These are the aspects that may be identified as events which might be true but may or may not occur. The assumption identified in here is the completion of the project on time, shortage of the resources, rising of the cost, and labour inefficiency. Constraints- The constraints are those elements in the project which make raises limitation. These limitation and boundaries makes the working slow and degrades the work process. Some of the constraints witnessed here are programming error and technical bugs. Any kind of data attack or system failure may also be seen as constraints. StakeholderList Stakeholder No Name and Signature Role and Responsibility Position Contact Information 1 David Wright Resourcing and funding the operation Investor +41-XXXX-XXXX 2 Bruce Keller Managing related project operation Project Manager +41-XXXX-XXXX 3 Simon Rig Analysis of the requirements for the project Analyst +41-XXXX-XXXX 4 Joseph Hamlet Developing of the codes for the Developer +41-XXXX-XXXX 5 Alex Parrish Project related database handling Database manager +41-XXXX-XXXX 6 Simon Dave Running and testing the developed code Tester +41-XXXX-XXXX 7 Mary Finn Develop effective budget plan Budgeter +41-XXXX-XXXX 8 Sonia Reed Updating and managing the information research reports and Journals Application Manager +41-XXXX-XXXX Lessons Learned Analysing the project implementation recognised some of the pitfalls which could hamper the project implementation in the long run (Bull, 2016). Delay or failure in the implementation of the project right way may result in the collapse of the project. Inefficient or disorganized communication plan may result in disapproval of the plan and the project may face a disruption. Charter Signoff David Wright (Investor) Comments- Bruce Keller (Project manager) Comments Communication Plan Template Plan purpose The plan for the establishment of the Social Media Research organization was felt due to the ceasing of some other research organization. The officials saw this as a great opportunity to leverage the recognition of the organization for the growth and productivity. The need of the students of the Master and Doctoral for research work was also witnessed as a great attraction and was thought off to deliver in the favor of those students. The team into this development sees it as a important way to leverage the present trend being followed in the organization in the field of Information Technology. Overall communication would profit the project and shape it in right fashion. For this, the lateral communication process can be considered as it helps in developing an effective plan hypothetical (Leach, 2014). This helps in implementing the plan in a smarter and more efficient way. The other communication plans like Upward and downward plan also helps in delivering. The downwar d plan channels the communication plan developed while the upward communication plan takes the plan progressively. Change management The change management plan could be developed by effectively by making an analysis in the direction of the project. Here any kind of challenge or barrier could be addressed and could be dealt with efficient approaches which would help in overcoming those identified barriers (Burke, 2013). Along with this the changes implemented should be monitored for a certain period of time so that any glitches identified can be solved and managed so that the project does not faces failure Figure 1: Change Management Plan Meeting agenda The meeting agenda for delivering the communication plan for the project under consideration can be done effectively through several ways Formal presentation can be presented to all the stakeholders for discussing the benefits and barriers of the project. The Plan can be delivered to related stakeholders through newsletters, e-mails or intranet web pages. Small informal group meeting can be held and the project could be discussed here. Meeting summaries and Status report can help in discussing the barriers being witnessed which requires changes. Stakeholder Information to be shared Frequency of information exchange Location of information exchange Purpose of communication Mechanism for communication Who What When Where Why How Investor Progress in the project commenced Bimonthly Formal Meetings For discussing the project progress and its direction Status Reports Project manager Glitches or Issues witnessed Weekly Informal or General meetings To analyse the issue and devising the solution News letter or reports Analyst Requirements for the project Fortnight Web application or other platforms Provision of the requirement Surveys Developers Programs and other coding models Once Informal meetings Changes or testing of the code Intranet Web pages Bibliography Bull, J. W., Jobstvogt, N., Bhnke-Henrichs, A., Mascarenhas, A., Sitas, N., Baulcomb, C., ... Carter-Silk, E. (2016). Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats: A SWOT analysis of the ecosystem services framework.Ecosystem Services,17, 99-111. Burke, R. (2013). Project management: planning and control techniques.New Jersey, USA. Leach, L. P. (2014).Critical chain project management. Artech House. Marchewka, J. T. (2014).Information technology project management. John Wiley Sons. Mir, F. A., Pinnington, A. H. (2014). Exploring the value of project management: linking project management performance and project success.International Journal of Project Management,32(2), 202-217. Phillips, J. (2013).PMP, Project Management Professional (Certification Study Guides). McGraw-Hill Osborne Media. Verzuh, E. (2015).The fast forward MBA in project management. John Wiley Sons Walker, A. (2015).Project management in construction. John Wiley Sons